
Kobo ereader site
Kobo ereader site

kobo ereader site

If you want to download and listen to audio books, consider 16 or 32GB of space.

  • Storage Today’s e-readers can hold thousands of e-books, PDFs and other content formats, and devices typically start with 8GB of built-in storage.
  • Even better: Some are on sale during Amazon Prime Day, which ends July 12. Many of these options are also compatible with audiobooks so you can listen to your favorite titles, too.

    #Kobo ereader site plus

    Our top picks include Amazon’s best-selling Kindle e-readers and Fire tablets as well as worthwhile competitors from Kobo and Rakuten, plus stellar screens from Apple and Samsung for those who want a more versatile device.

    kobo ereader site

    That’s why we’ve rounded up some of the best e-readers, including HD tablets that let avid readers soak up e-books anywhere. E-readers offer a distraction-free way to binge on books with Hollywood appeal, soak up page-turners that have been translated for the small screen or listen to audiobooks without having to lug around heavy tomes. Tablets are the perfect all-in-one mobile entertainment center, but not every busy bookworm wants to watch movies, play games, read email or take notes on their device. If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, The Hollywood Reporter may receive an affiliate commission.

    Kobo ereader site